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Life Skills, PSHE & RSE


We have designed our Life Skills Curriculum to:

  • Prepare our pupils to take responsibility for themselves in the wider world they live in
  • Prepare our pupils to care for themselves and others in the wider world they live in


4 Big Ideas underpin curriculum design, they are:

  1. Self-Care and Caring for Others including responding to critical situations: relationships, social skills, emotional literacy, health including first aid, personal safety, privacy, online safety
  2. Day-to-Day Life including being able to manage everyday situations: relationships, healthy lifestyle, personal safety – physical, mental and online, social skills, cultural capital
  3. Team Work and Problem Solving including building teams and solving problems: relationships, social skills, emotional literacy, personal growth and personal safety, cultural capital
  4. Managing Money including developing economic awareness: economic awareness, safety, cultural capital
The Life Skills Framework is a tool for portioning the gradual empowerment of disadvantaged pupils.

Even when disadvantaged pupils achieve in academic subjects in school too often they fail to make the most of the opportunities available to them.

The framework ensures the acquisition of a breadth of skills that are critical for overcoming class barriers and addressing the issues of social mobility.

Without the skills and experiences contained within the framework, pupils with limited economic and cultural capital struggle to compete with well-resourced peers.

Through our diverse and relevant Life Skills curriculum, we cover the PSHE (personal, social, health, economic) and RSE (relationships, sex education) curriculums which nurture pupils to develop a love and respect for themselves and others, to celebrate differences, learn about their places in the world and how to keep their mind and body healthy.

Pupils will develop their emotional literacy for their own positive mental health and well-being. Our pupils are at the heart of Life Skills, PSHE & RSE and its cohesive vision will help children to understand and value how they fit into and contribute to the local, wider and global community.

The Life Skills Framework also promotes development in:

  • Economic literacy including budgeting and career aspiration
  • Cultural experience including the arts, participation in sports and community and wider social experience
  • Linguistic skills including participation, building teams, self-expression and communication

Life Skills Curriculum 2023