Early Morning Care Provision
Early morning care is open every school day from 8.00 am to 8.45 am. It is open to all children who attend the school.
We have a nurturing team who run the club.
Miss Smallcombe and Miss Pascoe – Before School
The Club has it’s own dedicated space and resources for the children to enjoy. If children require breakfast, we can offer cereal and toast.
After School Club Provision
After School Clubs are offered during the school year. These usually run for 6 weeks.
This year we have offered Netball, Knitting, Craft, Sing up and dance, Eco, Football and Drama.
Before School from 8:00am
1/4 hour 50p 1/2 hour £1.00
3/4 hour £1.50 with breakfast £2.00
The club can be contacted via secretary@nanstallon.cornwall.sch.uk or via the school office (8.30am till 4.30pm) 01208 831418.