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Financial Information

Nanstallon School is a Foundation Trust School. Government provides annual funding, which is delegated to the school to spend on our priorities. The Headteacher and LFS Finance Technician devise and set an annual budget with these priorities in mind.

The proposed budget and projections over 3 financial years have to be approved by the Governing Body of the school annually.  School Governors and the local authority put in place robust financial procedures to ensure that there is transparency, clear accountability and a continual effort to ensure that public money is used in the best way possible to provide an enabling and enriching environment for learning and education for our children.

The Governing body confirms that in the financial year 2022/23: There are no school employees with a gross annual salary at or exceeding £100,000.

School Financial Benchmarking

Key financial information, including financial benchmarking in comparison to other schools is available online.

financial benchmarking