Safeguarding Procedures
Reporting a safeguarding concern
If you have a Safeguarding concern, it should be reported to the Senior Designated Safeguarding Lead, Mr Stephenson. If he is not available it needs to be reported to another trained designated lead. The deputy Designated Lead is Mr Langdon. The safeguarding governor is Shane Purser.
All staff are trained to identify signs of abuse and understand what to do if they are concerned about a child. Being a small school where staff know the children very well we are well placed to identify concerns quickly and act accordingly.
Our Strategy
All the governors and staff at Nanstallon School share an objective to help keep the children safe by contributing to:
- Providing a safe environment for them to learn
- Identifying children who are suffering or likely to suffer significant harm, and taking appropriate action with the aim of making sure that they are kept safe both at home and in the education setting
To achieve this objective, we:
- Prevent unsuitable people from working with the children
- Identify instances where there are grounds for concern about a child’s
welfare and initiate or take appropriate action to keep them safe.
Linked Safeguarding Policies
Please access our Positive Behaviour, Internet Safety and Mental Health and Wellbeing Policy below.
Child on Child Abuse Policy (Managing allegations against other pupils)